Church of God

New Vision Worship Center

Bishop Michael A. Farrell - Pastor

4700 Violet Ave. at Sunniland St. Sarasota, Fl. 34233 - 941-922-2718



Darwin and Ann Epps

This couple has faithfully served this fellowship for over 15 years. They exemplify a fellower of Christ. Both teach in our educational ministry. Darwin is considered one of our denomination’s best lay Bible scholars. Everyone acknowledges this couple’s dedication and love for us. No pastor could have better leadership to help him minister to the saints.

Qualifications - the heart attitude of an elder is one who tends, feeds, guides, protects and cares for his flock. Blameless as a steward of God; above reproach. Husband of one wife; a one-woman man. Temperate, sober, vigilant Sober-minded, prudent. Of good behavior; orderly, respectable. Given to hospitality, apt to teach; able to teach; he can exhort believers and refute false teaching. Not given to wine. Not violent, not pugnacious. Patient, moderate, forbearing, gentle. Not a brawler; uncontentious; not soon angry or quick tempered. Not covetous; not a lover of money; not greedy of base gain. Rules well his own house; his children are faithful, not accused of rebellion to God. Not a novice; not a new convert. Has a good report or reputation with outsiders. Not self-willed. A lover of what is good. Just, fair. Holy, devout. Self-Controlled. (1 Timothy 3:2-3, Titus 1:6-9)